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Prof. dr. M. (Marcel) Sarot
Marcel Sarot (*1961) is professor of fundamental theology at Tilburg School of Catholic Theology (TST) of Tilburg University.
He published extensively on the doctrine of God (and especially on divine impassibility), models of the good life, methodological naturalism, the problem of evil and prayer.
In the recent past he was Director of the Netherlands Research School for Theology and Religious Studies NOSTER (2005-2009), Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Theology of Utrecht University (2008-2012) and Professor for the History and Philosophy of Religious Studies and Theology at Utrecht University (2005-2012). He was Dean of the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology in 2013-2020.
In 2007 he was ordained permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Utrecht.
Selected publications
God, Passibility and Corporeality (Kampen 1992) (Ph.D. diss, published as monograph 280 pp.).
[with G. van den Brink] (eds.), Understanding the Attributes of God (Frankfurt a.M. 1999)
Living a Good Life in Spite of Evil (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1999) (monograph 167 pp.)
[with D. Fergusson] (eds.), The Future as God’s Gift: Explorations in Christian Eschatology (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000; reprint London: Continuum, 2005).
[with A.I. McFadyen] (eds.), Forgiveness and Truth (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2002).
De Goddeloosheid van de wetenschap: Theologie, geloof en het gangbare wetenschapsideaal (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2006; from 2010 onwards available through Printing on Demand)
Religie in de spiegel van het kwaad: Naar een comparatief-theologische benadering van het kwaad (Almere: Parthenon, 2012) (Farewell lecture Universiteit Utrecht September 2012, 38 pp.)
Patripassianism, Theopaschitism and the Suffering of God: Some Historical and Systematic Considerations, in: Religious Studies 26 (1990), 363-375
Auschwitz, Morality and the Suffering of God, in: Modern Theology 7 (1991), 135-152
Omniscience and Experience, in: Philosophy of Religion 30 (1991), 89-102
Omnipotence and Self-Limitation, in: Gijsbert van den Brink, Luco J. van den Brom & Marcel Sarot (eds.), Christian Faith and Philosophical Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Vincent Brümmer (Kampen 1992; 21996), pp.172-185
Suffering of Christ, Suffering of God?, in: Theology 95 (1992), 113-119
God, Emotion and Corporeality: A Thomist Perspective, in: The Thomist 58 (1994), 61-92
Pastoral Counseling and the Compassionate God, in: Pastoral Psychology 43 (1995), 185-190
Divine Compassion and the Meaning of Life, in: Scottish Journal of Theology 47 (1995), 155-168
Why Trusting God is Different from all Other Forms of Trust, in: Sophia 35 (1996), 101-115
Divine Suffering: Continuity and Discontinuity with the Tradition, in: Anglican Theological Review 78 (1996), 225-240
Criteria for Doctrinal Development: A Case Study of the Doctrine of God’s (Im)passibility, in: Studia Theologica 50 (1996), 51-66
Patripassianism and the Impassibility of God, in: Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 72 (1996), 73-81
Evil, Tragedy and Feminist Theology, in: Theology Digest 44 (1997), 29-33
Affektlosigkeit und Unköperlichkeit Gottes bei Thomas von Aquin, in: Jaarboek van het Thomas Instituut te Utrecht 15 (1995[=1996]), 85-111.
[with G. van den Brink] Contemporary Philosophical Theology, in: Van den Brink & Sarot (eds.), Understanding the Attributes of God (Frankfurt aM 1999), 9-32
A Moved Mover? The (Im)passibility of God, in: Van den Brink & Sarot, Understanding the Attributes of God, 119-137
Rational Theology and the Transcendence of God, in: Henri A. Krop, Arie L. Molendijk & Hent de Vries (eds.), Post-theism: Reframing the Judeo-Christian Tradition (Leuven 2000), 251-263
Theodicy and Modernity, in: A. Laato & Johannes C. De Moor (eds.), Theodicy in the World of the Bible (Leiden 2003), 1-26
Ik laat U niet gaan, tenzij Gij mij zegent: Wijsgerige reflecties over vraaggebed, in Praktische Theologie 31 (2004), 464-479
Theologie en godsdienstwetenschappen gescheiden? Pleidooi om beide samen te houden, in: Tijdschrift voor Theologie 45 (2005), 338-347
Bidden tegen beter weten in?, in: Cees Dekker, René van Woudenberg & Gijsbert van den Brink (eds.), Omhoog kijken in platland: Over geloven in de wetenschap (Baarn 2007), 200-217
Identiteit tussen verhaal en belijdenis: Over het belang van de Apostolische Geloofsbelijdenis voor christelijke identiteit en over een verhaal van Rufinus van Aquileja, in: Bob Becking & Annette Merz (red.), Verhaal als Identiteits-code: Opstellen aangeboden aan Geert van Oyen bij zijn afscheid van de Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht 2008), 266-276
Bidt zonder ophouden: Verschillen tussen de protestantse en de rooms-katholieke gebedspraktijk, geduid in ecclesiologisch perspectief, in: Kerk en Theologie 59 (2008), 324-336
Degrees of Catholicity: Another Mark of Roman Arrogance?, in: Pancratius C. Beentjes (ed.), The Catholic Church and Modernity in Europe (Zürich 2009), 165-174
Christian Fundamentalism as a Reaction to the Enlightenment, in: Bob Becking (ed.), Orthodoxy, Liberalism, and Adaptation: Essays on Ways of Worldmaking in Times of Change from Biblical, Historical and Systematic Perspectives, (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 249-267
The Cardinal Difficulty for Naturalism: C.S. Lewis’ Argument Reconsidered in Light of Peter van Inwagen’s Critique, in: Journal of Inklings Studies 1/2 (October 2011), 41-53
Perichorese als ecclesiologisch begrip?, in: Theo Boer e.a. (eds.), Van God gesproken: Over relationele taal en relationele theologie (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2011), 80-91
Beyond Kenoticism: Why the Suffering God had to Become Man, in: Dutch Reformed Theological Journal 52, Supplement 3, 100-112
His most recent list of publications can be found here
He published extensively on the doctrine of God (and especially on divine impassibility), models of the good life, methodological naturalism, the problem of evil and prayer.
In the recent past he was Director of the Netherlands Research School for Theology and Religious Studies NOSTER (2005-2009), Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Theology of Utrecht University (2008-2012) and Professor for the History and Philosophy of Religious Studies and Theology at Utrecht University (2005-2012). He was Dean of the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology in 2013-2020.
In 2007 he was ordained permanent deacon of the Archdiocese of Utrecht.
Selected publications
God, Passibility and Corporeality (Kampen 1992) (Ph.D. diss, published as monograph 280 pp.).
[with G. van den Brink] (eds.), Understanding the Attributes of God (Frankfurt a.M. 1999)
Living a Good Life in Spite of Evil (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1999) (monograph 167 pp.)
[with D. Fergusson] (eds.), The Future as God’s Gift: Explorations in Christian Eschatology (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000; reprint London: Continuum, 2005).
[with A.I. McFadyen] (eds.), Forgiveness and Truth (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2002).
De Goddeloosheid van de wetenschap: Theologie, geloof en het gangbare wetenschapsideaal (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2006; from 2010 onwards available through Printing on Demand)
Religie in de spiegel van het kwaad: Naar een comparatief-theologische benadering van het kwaad (Almere: Parthenon, 2012) (Farewell lecture Universiteit Utrecht September 2012, 38 pp.)
Patripassianism, Theopaschitism and the Suffering of God: Some Historical and Systematic Considerations, in: Religious Studies 26 (1990), 363-375
Auschwitz, Morality and the Suffering of God, in: Modern Theology 7 (1991), 135-152
Omniscience and Experience, in: Philosophy of Religion 30 (1991), 89-102
Omnipotence and Self-Limitation, in: Gijsbert van den Brink, Luco J. van den Brom & Marcel Sarot (eds.), Christian Faith and Philosophical Inquiry: Essays in Honour of Vincent Brümmer (Kampen 1992; 21996), pp.172-185
Suffering of Christ, Suffering of God?, in: Theology 95 (1992), 113-119
God, Emotion and Corporeality: A Thomist Perspective, in: The Thomist 58 (1994), 61-92
Pastoral Counseling and the Compassionate God, in: Pastoral Psychology 43 (1995), 185-190
Divine Compassion and the Meaning of Life, in: Scottish Journal of Theology 47 (1995), 155-168
Why Trusting God is Different from all Other Forms of Trust, in: Sophia 35 (1996), 101-115
Divine Suffering: Continuity and Discontinuity with the Tradition, in: Anglican Theological Review 78 (1996), 225-240
Criteria for Doctrinal Development: A Case Study of the Doctrine of God’s (Im)passibility, in: Studia Theologica 50 (1996), 51-66
Patripassianism and the Impassibility of God, in: Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 72 (1996), 73-81
Evil, Tragedy and Feminist Theology, in: Theology Digest 44 (1997), 29-33
Affektlosigkeit und Unköperlichkeit Gottes bei Thomas von Aquin, in: Jaarboek van het Thomas Instituut te Utrecht 15 (1995[=1996]), 85-111.
[with G. van den Brink] Contemporary Philosophical Theology, in: Van den Brink & Sarot (eds.), Understanding the Attributes of God (Frankfurt aM 1999), 9-32
A Moved Mover? The (Im)passibility of God, in: Van den Brink & Sarot, Understanding the Attributes of God, 119-137
Rational Theology and the Transcendence of God, in: Henri A. Krop, Arie L. Molendijk & Hent de Vries (eds.), Post-theism: Reframing the Judeo-Christian Tradition (Leuven 2000), 251-263
Theodicy and Modernity, in: A. Laato & Johannes C. De Moor (eds.), Theodicy in the World of the Bible (Leiden 2003), 1-26
Ik laat U niet gaan, tenzij Gij mij zegent: Wijsgerige reflecties over vraaggebed, in Praktische Theologie 31 (2004), 464-479
Theologie en godsdienstwetenschappen gescheiden? Pleidooi om beide samen te houden, in: Tijdschrift voor Theologie 45 (2005), 338-347
Bidden tegen beter weten in?, in: Cees Dekker, René van Woudenberg & Gijsbert van den Brink (eds.), Omhoog kijken in platland: Over geloven in de wetenschap (Baarn 2007), 200-217
Identiteit tussen verhaal en belijdenis: Over het belang van de Apostolische Geloofsbelijdenis voor christelijke identiteit en over een verhaal van Rufinus van Aquileja, in: Bob Becking & Annette Merz (red.), Verhaal als Identiteits-code: Opstellen aangeboden aan Geert van Oyen bij zijn afscheid van de Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht 2008), 266-276
Bidt zonder ophouden: Verschillen tussen de protestantse en de rooms-katholieke gebedspraktijk, geduid in ecclesiologisch perspectief, in: Kerk en Theologie 59 (2008), 324-336
Degrees of Catholicity: Another Mark of Roman Arrogance?, in: Pancratius C. Beentjes (ed.), The Catholic Church and Modernity in Europe (Zürich 2009), 165-174
Christian Fundamentalism as a Reaction to the Enlightenment, in: Bob Becking (ed.), Orthodoxy, Liberalism, and Adaptation: Essays on Ways of Worldmaking in Times of Change from Biblical, Historical and Systematic Perspectives, (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 249-267
The Cardinal Difficulty for Naturalism: C.S. Lewis’ Argument Reconsidered in Light of Peter van Inwagen’s Critique, in: Journal of Inklings Studies 1/2 (October 2011), 41-53
Perichorese als ecclesiologisch begrip?, in: Theo Boer e.a. (eds.), Van God gesproken: Over relationele taal en relationele theologie (Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2011), 80-91
Beyond Kenoticism: Why the Suffering God had to Become Man, in: Dutch Reformed Theological Journal 52, Supplement 3, 100-112
His most recent list of publications can be found here